How To DonateDonations
We can't take care of Lake Afton without donations!
Check out our different donation levels:
- FISH $25
- DUCK $35
- GOOSE $50
- HERON $100
- HAWK $250
Donations can be mailed to:
Friends of Lake Afton
P.O. Box 529
Yardley, PA 19067
Or donate through PayPal on our website or on our Facebook page
Or donate via Venmo @ FOLA Yardley
How membership fees and donations are used:
- Clean-Flo, International - currently costs close to $15,000/year:
- AGGRESSIVE Biological Treatment Schedule
- Nutrient Sponges
- Aerator maintenance
- Electric bill for aerators ~$800/yr
- Routine and emergency cleaning of outflow & inflow areas with heavy equipment ~$2,000/yr
- Lawn mowing/weed-whacking between St. Andrew’s Church and Starbucks ~$600-$800/yr
- Landscaping materials for Spring/Fall Volunteer Day ~$1,500/yr
- Park benches and trash cans when needed Approx. $1,000/trash can & Approx. $2,000/bench
- Unanticipated maintenance/emergent issues -Unknown until it occurs